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June Café (2012) in English

Avoiding medication errors: How can we do better?
Our June café was the second out of our two discussions on medication reconciliation. The discussion topics also revolved around medication management and the prevention of errors, how new electronic tools may help improve medication management and measures taken to protect patient's personal data. The audience, composed of healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals alike, participated with great interest and had many questions for our panelists.
Panel speakers Dr. Ewa Sidorowicz, Director of Professional Services, MUHC, Dr. Allen Huang, geriatrician at the Royal Victoria Hospital and researcher at the RI-MUHC, and Dr.Christian Rochefort, registered nurse and researcher at the RI-MUHC, delivered compelling and accessible presentations about their research and clinical experiences to an engaged audience. Dr. Robert Perreault, assistant professor at McGill University and director of the Montreal Public Health Directorate did an excellent job moderating the discussion.

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